Master of Social Work

Dr. R.M.L.Avadh University has started Master of Social Work (MSW) course from session 2001-2002.There are 50 seats in the course. Social work is a professional service based on scientific knowledge and skills in human relations, which assists individual alone or in a group to obtain social and personal satisfaction & independence. As social work has achieved very important status as a profession in Indian by serving effectively almost all the sections of our society. The social work have got wide range of specialization which prepares expert social worker to work in their specific fields as in the field of Medical & Psychiatric, Industrial Correctional family child, Rural Urban & tribal welfare. There was a great need of an institute of social work education in the Eastern U.P. because Eastern U.P. was devoid of such privilege considering all these points and for the convenience of students of this region. Dr. R.M.L.Avadh University has started Master of social work course.

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