Mass Communication & Journalism

The Mass Communication and Journalism established in 2001 in response to the pressing demands in the sphere of media world. It's purpose is to educate and train students, from all over the country, to become accomplished professional journalists. The program prepares them to perform a vital and challenging function in free and democratic societies: finding out the truth of complicated situations, usually under a time constraint, and communicating it in a clear, engaging fashion to the public. The Programme, Master of Arts in Communication & Journalism is intensive, rigorous and demanding. The programme aims to give the students the knowledge and skills to critically examine the institutions and practice of contemporary journalism in a variety of media. The unique combination of professional, practical, academic coursework & experience integrates today’s media convergence and the future’s media developments in critical areas of mass communications like as : Print media, Electronic media, Online media, Cinema Studies, Development Communication, Advertising and Public relations. The Department of Mass Communication & Journalism sports a diverse staff and faculty with distinguished professional, research and teaching records. Our Faculty are deeply committed to teaching, challenging, and supporting their students in pragmatic way.

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