Student Feedback Form

Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya is conducting a survey of students’ experience in which the students are required to share their feedback in the proforma available below. This proforma seeks feedback from you to strengthen the quality of teaching –learning environment and to look for newer ways to improve teachers’ performance in classroom engagement with students so as to bring excellence in teaching-learning. It would also enable the university system to assess its services for the students and areas that need to be improved to enhance the quality of student experience at the university.
Please fill the relevant information below:

Directions for filling the form

For each question/statement, please give your level of Experience by putting a Tick (√) against the statement from a score between 1 and 5. A higherscore indicates a better experience.

Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Experience Below Average Average Good Very Good Excellent

S.No. Detail Criteria
1. Content of Syllabi of the Courses
2. Extent of Syllabi Covered in the Class:
3. Delivery of Syllabi in the Class:
4. Use of Teaching Aids and ICT in the Class to Facilitate Teaching:
5. Overall Experience with Internal Assessment (Quiz, Assignments, Presentations etc.):
6. Student Teacher Interaction:
7. Integration of Theory and Practical in Classes (wherever applicable):
8. Stimulation for Innovative Thinking:
9. Overall Learning Experience:
10. Condition of Lab Equipment :
11. Availability of Online Resources:
12. Opportunities in the Department/University for Research Activities:
13. Opportunity to Participate in Seminar/Workshop/Conference/Research Projects:
14. Experience with Research Environment:
15. Participation in Co-Academic And Cultural Events:
1. Classroom Facilities (LCD/Audio/Computer/Seating Arrangement Etc.):
2. Library Reading Room Facility:
3. Library Digital Resources and Reading Material Support:
4. Internet Facility:
5. University Website:
6. Department Website:
7. Sports Facility:
8. Food Outlets/Canteens:
9. Drinking Water Facility:
10. Washroom Facilities:
11. Hostel Facility:
Support System
1. ExperienceoftheAdmissionProcessto the Programme you have Enrolled in:
2. Help Received by Orientation Programme of the Department:
3. Experience with University’s Administrative Staff:
4. Experience with Department’s Administrative Staff:
5. Timely Announcement of Result:
6. Experience with Timely Availability of Mark Sheet:
7. Experience with Evaluation Process:
8. Experience with Placement Cell of the University/Department:
9. Functioning Of Placement Cell Of The Department:
10. Experience with Healthcare Facility:
Skills/Competencies Developed During Course of Study
1. Analytical Competency:
2. Problem Solving Competence:
3. Leadership:
4. Time Management:
5. Team Work/Collaboration Skills:
6. Communication Competence:
7. IT Skills:
8. Critical Thinking:
9. Entrepreneurial /Job Skills:
Overall Experience of the University
1. Your Overall Academic Experience:
2. Would you Recommend this University to Others:

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